Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a Real Estate Company?
No, we are not a real estate company! And that’s why we are not in any way involved in the lease or sale agreement between the owners and the investors. It is our job to register, evaluate and promote the appropriate pieces of land to potential solar energy investors/companies looking for usable land for a solar energy project. Once an investor is interested in any of the pieces of land we have in our database, we introduce him/her directly to the landowner for further details.
What is the usual land lease rate for a photovoltaic plant?
Usually lease rates range start from 1.000 USD per acre/year and can reach up to 10.000 USD/acre/year, but the prices generally depend very much on the suitability of each land and of course the size of the project.
Can I sell my land instead of leasing it?
It depends on what each investor wants. In general, in large photovoltaic plant investments, leasing is the common practice, instead of buying the land, but in cases of small projects, a private investor may decide to buy the land.
What are the characteristics of a land that would attract investors?
- Regarding the area: First of all, it should not be within a forest area, less than 100 meters from the sea, in a stream, within an archaeological or historical site, within National Parks, within nature conservation areas or within the boundaries of the European Ecological Natura 2000 Network (https://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/). Also, it should have no natural barriers around that cause shading of the land at certain times of the day/year.
- Regarding the surface: The more acres available, the more attractive to a large investor or company.
- Regarding the ground itself: The more horizontal and flat and with less physical barriers, the better.
- Regarding power lines network: Ideally your land should have low or medium voltage power lines passing through or within close proximity. Attention: High voltage pylons are not appropriate for the interconnection of the solar plant.
What is the process of leasing my land to an investor or a photovoltaic company?
The basic steps in the process of developing a Photovoltaic Plant are the following:
- Legal Assessment: The investor will first need to make a check on legal issues of your land (mainly proprietary). This can take a few weeks or a few months. If no problems arise, the investor / company will negotiate the lease price with you for your property.
- Site Studies: Once you and the investor / company sign the lease agreement, the company will begin a series of technical and environmental studies. This can take up to two years, depending on the size of the plot and the area in which it is located.
- Construction: Once all the studies are completed, the project is fully funded and any outstanding licensing and planning issues have been resolved, construction will begin. The construction period depends on the size of the project and ranges from 1 to 18 months for a very large project (e.g. 100 MW project).
- Operation: Once built, the photovoltaic plant will generate electricity for 20-30 years.
What will happen after the termination of the lease contract?
Modern photovoltaic modules have an estimated productive life of up to 35 years, although solar energy sales contracts with the electricity companies usually do not exceed 20 or 25 years, so the lease term is usually shorter. When the lease expires, the photovoltaic equipment will either be withdrawn (the withdrawal will be at the expense of the photovoltaic company) and the land will be returned to you or, if you are willing to renew the contract, the lease could be extended along with the extension of the electricity sales contract).
Will my land be permanently be harmed in any way?
Operating a photovoltaic plant does not include or produce hazardous materials, gases, or chemicals that could harm your land. During construction, the impact on the land will be moderate and temporary, mainly due to the activity of trucks and some basic earthworks for the installation of photovoltaic mounting structures.
Does the operation of a photovoltaic plant have any effect on human health?
Absolutely not! One of the biggest advantages of a photovoltaic plants compared to other power stations, such as for example lignite stations, is that they do not emit any harmful substances into the air, soil or water. Also, they do not produce noise or light nor release any kind of radiation.
I want to register more than one piece of land. How do I do that?
Since evaluating each piece of land is a separate process that requires specific time from our team, you will need to register each additional piece of land through a seperate form.
How can I unregister my land from your database?
You can contact us via the contact form, giving us your name and key details of your land and we will remove it from our database immediately.